"we are not alone"

- the voivod jump station -

Other Cool Voivod Sites

There's an Official site now, with Negatron song clips and a biography! Other than that I haven't seen any.

Mediocre Voivod Sites

(All are part of larger, "complete" online music catalogs. They may be cool overall, but the Voivod areas are weak.)
Listed in order of overall perceived coolness:


(say that 20 times quickly)
I thought about putting the info from here on these, but I'll probably just solicit links to my page and let people move lyrics, etc. themselves if they want to.

Thanks to Johannes Weiman of Sweden for helping me find the main Web music indexes and for reassuring me that no one had really done much for Voivod so far. His Music page helped my poke around the web for music.

Page by Jamie. Updated 4/23/95.