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Thursday, February 11, 1999

We drove over 420 miles today. But it was very pretty. Also, from Roanoke to Bristol, VA, it's nice and mountainous, so there's lots to see. Driving during the day totally beats driving at night. Driving at night is monotonous. Driving during the day I feel like I could keep going forever. That is, until I get sore from sitting still too long. Oh yeah, Tennessee has a 70 mph speed limit. Good thing too, because it was a pretty flat, boring drive until we got to Knoxville and headed west on I-40.

This update was filed from a Kinko's in Nashville, Tennessee. I am somewhat disappointed in the night life, although we did find a reasonably cool place to eat. There are some goofy things to see around town.

Nashville has a full scale replica of the Parthenon. It also happens to be a popular spot for parkin' and neckin'.

Friday, February 12th, 1999