There was a minor earthquake yesterday afternoon. Check out the shake map and location map. All I felt was a 10 second wobble and then it went away. Better to have a bunch of these little stress-reliever quakes than the Big One.. although of course that's coming one of these days.
I have resumed my hackery on a C++ app for the Mac... abandoned it for a while but I want to finish it for a number of reasons. (I bought the CodeWarrior Pro 6 compiler to help me do this... I had CW 11 which is several years out of date now.) Remembering a best practice I learned from Ray, I stopped trying to figure out new and challenging parts of the app in the context of the whole, instead building a dedicated mini-app so I could tinker with challenging bits in isolation. This is a really powerful technique, and I made more progress figuring out how to implement it this weekend than in all the other time I've spent to date. There's also a bit of a prototyping/RAD angle to this: I can write really crummy, uncommented code with hard coded values etc. because I know I'm going to throw it away and do it "right" once the prototype can demonstrate all of the functionality I'm trying to implement.
All Your Base Are Belong to Us rules!!! It's another one of those Flash art pieces, but it made me laugh out loud with amazement at how cool it is. There's a story behind all this too. ZeroWing... go look it up... try google. There's a whole meme going on. A friend of mine knows the guy who originally created Flash (back when it was called FutureSplash) and told him about this... he was amused.